As summer heats up, YourED reflects on the impact bushfires can have on the entire community, and the medical professionals working in emergency departments across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
All tagged Climate Change
As summer heats up, YourED reflects on the impact bushfires can have on the entire community, and the medical professionals working in emergency departments across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
The collaborative release of a two-part report exploring the impact on climate change on EDs is the result of a partnership between ACEM and the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
“sEMCAN strongly supports actions that will see our healthcare systems shift to a more sustainable, cleaner future,” says FACEM Dr Simon Judkins writes about his membership involvement in the Sustainable Emergency Medicine and Advocacy Network.
Climate change is increasing emergency department presentations, writes Dr Lai Heng Foong as she calls on health professionals to urgently unite against this public health threat.